There is a reason why the majority of people who finish the trail are introverts. Eight to ten hours alone in your head can drive you crazy, and in the end it is a mental game. So what does one think about while hiking?
In the morning, thoughts can be more focused, as the mind is fresh. A radio plays songs on repeat in the background as I think of various things. I have thought of every single person I know at least 5 dozen times. I've had countless one-sided conversations in my head and given multiple motivational speeches to an imaginary audience. I have thought up many useful inventions and have had a few simple realizations. I sing songs, think of books, and run through movie scenes. I try to identify plants and animals along the trail. When all topics are exhausted and the body gets tired as the day wears on, thoughts merely turn into a stream of consciousness that might go like this:
Do I smell barbecue? Or maybe hamburgers? Definitely something grilling. Is that a car? A road? Heck yes. Hurry hurry hurry hurry. Wait. Where is the trail magic? Hmm, maybe there will be a cooler with drinks along the trail across the road. Sigh. Nothing. Maybe next road crossing....?
Wow, there are a lot of people on the trail. They smell clean. Dayhikers. Ugh, this is a big hill. Who in the world would do this for fun? There must be a good view or something. Come on people, move over. Step aside, step aside, I've come 16 miles today, I'm going uphill, and I've got a 30lb pack on. You have come 2 miles, and are going downhill with no pack. I have the right away. Oh, what a cute dog. I miss my dog. MOVE OVER! Ok fine, I will step aside for you, but don't be fooled by my fake smile. I'm still annoyed. Sigh. Dayhikers. Oh THANK YOU sir, for letting me pass. You should teach these other people some trail etiquette.... Fros-ty the snow-man, was a jol-ly hap-py soul. Christmas?....Are we almost to the top yet? There. Nope. False summit. There. Finally. I see no reason why the trail couldn't have gone around the mountain. A view .2 miles off trail. Nope, too far. That's almost a half mile round trip out of my way. Another view, 50 feet. Ok, I suppose I should see at least one today. Oh that's pretty. It looks like the last 257 I saw. Maybe I'm becoming immune to beautiful things....
I dont know about you, I'm feel-in twen-ty twoooo. Oh no, anything but that song!! Ugh my pack is so heavy. I really need to eat some food. Am I there yet? Let me check AWOL my guidebook. Five more miles?! Noooo. It lies. AWOL always lies. I think he enjoys making our lives miserable. This hill wasn't in AWOL. AWOL said there would be water here. AWOL said today's terrain was easy. AWOL is wrong. Grrr. I have been hiking fast today, I should only have like two miles left. Maybe if I run I will get there faster... Aww look at that chipmunk! So cute.
I like this pine grove. Tomatoes sound good right now. Hey I used to watch a show about a talking tomato. His name was Bob. That was a good show. Who ever thought of talking vegetables telling tales? Genius... Veg-gie Taaaales, Veg-gie Ta-a-ales.. great, now I have that song stuck in my head...
I should almost be to the shelter. It should be around the next curve. Nope. Maybe that one. Nope. There? That would be such a good place for one too. Ah finally, there it is! .3 miles down? Are you kidding? It better be a good one. Why didn't they put it in the last spot? I wonder what I'll have for dinner.
Oooh! A spaghetti quesadilla. That sounds amazing. Why hasn't anyone invented that yet? Ooom pa pa ooom pa pa that's how it goes.... wait, since when did I switch soundtracks? Yay, the shelter!
People are a welcome relief from the stream of thoughts. Some days will drive me crazy being alone in my head, some days are great as I have a good topic to think about. It is always nice to run into people to bounce ideas off of or get into a good conversation. If anything, this hike has made me appreciate others' company so much more.